Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Short comments

Five more days left this month. I have seen 27 movies so far, not bad huh? Let me write short comments on some of them.

Watched on first of this month. Good start. I found Tom Cruise better in this than his last two movies “Last Samurai” and “Minority Report”. By the way a rock song played on a scene where Vincent and Max goes to some club was kind of annoying.

Kill Bill 1/2
Well, many people have told me it’s just nonsense, so I was missing a chance to watch it. It was great though. I couldn’t stop laughing half of the movie. Some Japanese people say Japanese culture shown in the movie was embarrassing and weird, but I thought this movie is cool anyway.

About a man who sells his love. Beautiful movie I think. James Franco did a good job… but the scene where Nicholas Cage comes was weird, I mean his outfit…

Lost in Translation
Bull shit. Well, I’m not going to say so, but I found it much more embarrassing than Kill Bill movies. Performances were good, and I think story line itself was good too, but the movie didn’t show any real insight to Japan. Just a superficial image that foreigners have about Japan I felt. But interestingly, the picture reflects the atmosphere of Tokyo pretty accurately. By the way I had a crush on Scarlet Johansson (didn’t like her much before).

Good movie. Little long but Leonardo’s acting is remarkable. It’s kind of “classic from the beginning” movie. I knew it’s going to get some Oscars, but I couldn’t expect the movie to get so many nominations!

This movies rules (I don’t like using this word much but I think its right for this movie). Steve Buscemi was so great!

Let me say one thing. If I’m going to get married in the future, I want to marry someone like Amy, wife of Kevin Costner’s role.

Christianity is so beautiful…

Really liked this one. Movie deals with an interesting idea. What’s illusion…

The actor of the movie “pianist” was in it. I’ve seen a movie “Sweet Sixteen” too, which was directed by same man. He’s so far so good.

Sexy movie! Funny! Patricia Arquette (the other actress was good too)! You should watch it!


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