Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Thursday, January 27, 2005

I love movies!

I forgot to write yesterday, but it was snowing yesterday morning you know. It had been pretty sunny for last few days so it was kind of unexpected and nice. Well, anyway it was all gone by end of the day though.

A week back or so, I happened to see a live of Franz Ferdinand on TV while my sister was changing channels. It was one of their Japan tour gigs I guess (sadly my sister didn’t let me watch the whole thing so I just saw one song “take me out”), and quite surprisingly, I found them pretty good in that. I don’t really hate the band, just think they are too over rated but anyway their performance seemed really great. You know those guys were playing really seriously, I mean it’s kind of weird because their music sounds “rather” funny today but I guess that’s their style.

By the way guess what. I watched 94 movies through last April to the end of last year. I write down titles of films I watch most of the time, so that’s how I counted. Well, is it too many or too less or average? What do you think?


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