Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Monday, January 24, 2005

My stupid mouth

Let me add one thing about what I wrote yesterday.

That is, even though I have found myself stupid making big deal out of me, I still would (like to) believe I’m special and fucking great.

I know, I know, how can I say? But at least I want to live and die dreaming bigger (I know, this kind of person can be really annoying).


  • Not annoying, I think people become jealous of even ambitions. Some people can go on for a bit too long about how they're going to be a big star someday, but mostly is doesn't bother me.

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 7:55 PM  

  • Jealous of ambitions.
    Never thought about that...

    Anyway I didn't mean dreaming bigger as becoming a superstar or anything like that.
    That was an encouragement for myself not to compromise in this life.

    ...I would like to be a superstar if I could... just for a day though

    By Blogger writer, at 11:41 AM  

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