Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Stumble and Fall

There are too many things I want to write here but well I don't have much time so just one thing Ive been thinking.

I always thought too many people are absurd because they find some deep meanings in shits. Like people who think there's some big deal going on in their lives when there's nothing really happening. I thought I can be more free from shits that society creates, thought that I can live a better life with my imagination. And maybe I could.

But what I realized now, is that while I was finding everyone else fool, I myself was trying to make myself a big deal. I mean you know, something like, I'm more of a free person, and I'm fucking great, so I'm gonna... brabrabra. Dreams. I had dreams with stupid confidennce. but now I know I'm just a same old fool like everyone else who thinks some big deal is going on in their lives...

Yes sometimes I, stumble and fall.


  • It's an awful thing to give up on your dreams, I don't think you should do it. As soon as you give up on what you want to do you're allowing it to fade away...wow I sound like a sappy retard, but I am a firm believer that as long as you still believe it COULD happen, then it will. Maybe I'm naive, maybe I'm just stupid. I don't know anything.

    By Blogger Jess P, at 3:32 PM  

  • I understand what you mean. In claiming that people are being melodramatic, you yourself are drawing attention to that by being free.

    It doesn't mean that dreams are unattainable, it just means you have to make them happen with the same peaks and troughs as everyone else. Of course I could say you were being melodranatic...

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 6:22 PM  

  • Yeah.
    I know its a shame to give up on dreams.
    You know I'm trying.

    By the way many of people I get to know through this blog seem rather naive... just my opinion.

    Let me be so 'cos my life is unbelievably boring...

    Just an excuse.

    By Blogger writer, at 8:59 AM  

  • Are you calling jessica and myself naive?

    I think there is an undeniable beauty in naivety, the last bastion of a child-like view of the world. Naivety is the thing that keeps most dreams alive, either that or a pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face.

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 10:16 PM  

  • You are right.
    And that's two sides of the same coin.

    I didn't mean naive as inexperienced or green.
    I meant naive as young in spirit.

    ...oh well, was just checking its antonyms on the web... experienced, sophisticated, mature, mindful, artful... oops.

    damn I didn't know this.
    But I still think naivety is something you should never forget in your heart.

    Cheers to my naivety...

    By Blogger writer, at 12:00 PM  

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