Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Monday, January 17, 2005

no title is a suitable title (as usual)

Tell you what, this is a beautiful day.
It's almost like spring and cannot believe it's still middle of January.

Anyway, well, I'm sick and have fever so stuck in the house.
Actually I haven't been outside of my house since I came back home... (I did go to the garden though).

Boy, this life is so...

By the way check out the link in 9th comment of my last post.
That was not even funny.


  • You're wrong there, that was funny.

    Hope you get better soon! It's like spring here too, we've hardly had any cold weather.

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 1:16 AM  

  • I've always found U2 a bit smug. Vertigo was a great track, but yeah I just think they've made some really bad tracks and still claim to be the 'best band in the world'

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 4:20 AM  

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