Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Forgive me I get too cold

So I did send a letter to her yesterday.
Couldn't think of anything better than that to do.
And I hated it.
My Japanese handwring isn't great...
also when I write, I myself get confused with the structure...
Oh fuck it.

Last night I emailed with the other guy. He lives in west and he has little bit different kind of personality. People of west(Kansai) are more kind of open and all. Anyway that was fine. I mean he is a nice guy and emailing with him helped me calm my mind.

Tommorow I have TOEFL.
I still have cold...
Haven't studied much...
God Damn it!


  • Writing letters is hard because you know there's nothing to hide behind, what you write is what is in you. I haven't got one style of handwriting, I have about 6 which I constantly change while writing and without noticing!

    Hope your cold goes soon!

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 6:24 PM  

  • Just passing through, great blog by the way...

    By Blogger The Humanity Critic, at 4:12 AM  

  • hmm TOEFL eh? does that mean you're thinking of going to an American college or a college in some anglophone country?

    By Blogger Hanako, at 4:41 AM  

  • 6 hand writing styles...
    You could be a spy if you trained yourself!

    Well, one Japanese university that I want to get in requires high TOEFL score. They do classes in English, which is a very new approach in this country.

    But I would like to study in US if I get a chance!

    By Blogger writer, at 11:50 AM  

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