Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Friday, January 21, 2005


Unbelievably, I did pretty good yesterday. I am most probably gonna get better score than last time this time. To tell the truth, I haven't studied at all since I came back home so I guessed this one's gonna be worse than last time. You know I thought I flunked it while I was doing, especially in grammer section... Maybe the three months stay in US did really improve my English... I mean I know it did but TOEFL is kinda tricky thing so... mm... I don't know. Anyway the score of the writing section is not yet out so I need to wait for the real result to come. Two weeks.

By the way I got an email from the girl I was talking about the other day.
She said she appriciated my letter and got what I wanted to tell her.
She's gonna write back soon.
Thank god.


  • You did great...trust me on this. I've noticed an improvement in your english!

    That's the one thing about letters, they can take an age to get a reply.

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 12:16 AM  

  • Thanks, Kevin!

    By Blogger writer, at 10:58 AM  

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