Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Monday, August 22, 2005

listening to the bends by radiohead...

so, a post before the day changes, after a long time.

bit tired, bit frustrated.

got to fill up all the forms tomorrow.

let's hope I can submit the thing in a day or two.


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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:33 AM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:42 AM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:58 AM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:10 AM  

  • Wow....you're popular with spammers today!

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 4:13 AM  

  • yea, holy cow! what gives, dude?

    By Blogger Shanoko, at 9:38 AM  

  • yep.

    i appriciate that i got more readers now.

    By Blogger writer, at 12:01 AM  

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