Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Sunday, August 21, 2005

few more days (really can't think of any good title...)

well finally some progress today!
but i guess i don't really have much time to get happy and jump around.

so guys, it was a fast week for me.
feel like writing about my dad going to Bali was just yesterday!
and he's coming back tomorrow, and probably gonna kick my ass when he sees how less job i have done. nah, he's a pacifist, you know.

so i know its kinda late to explain, but he was there for kids guernica exhibition.
visit offcial website here
and info about the exhibition here
he must had a great fun over there!
(I really hope he did, but bit worried if he was busy all the time)

and today, my mom's friend and her daughters visited us.
well actually they are kind of like a family friend you know,
but they hadn't met for a year or more for some reason.

anyway, I couldn't chat with them much, cos I had a lot of work to do,
so just sat with them while lunch time.
and they were so surprised i've become thin.
they hadn't seen me for almost three years, probably, and that was why I suppose.

yeah... i was kind of a bit fat kid before...
however lost a lot of weight while i was in India.

seeing them was nice anyway.

and yes!
I didn't go online today!
I mean I did, but didn't chat with anybody!

it was okay cause we had guests today,
but it reminded me of my dear hard times.

no emails no chat no freinds no myself nothing.

I don't think I can do without it for long.
well once I did, and now know it's not so great.

well but I'm having a good feeling for the rest of this year you know...
I'll continue tomorrow!

I have to go for my goddamn part time job tomorrow.
wish my good luck.

PS by the way you know what!?
I had more access to the blog than usual today (yesterday)
and seems like it was because
name "jude law" was in the last post...!


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