Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Monday, August 22, 2005

don't my posts kind of "look" too long these days?

oh dear
the morning wasn't great.
I was feeling pretty much tired, physically dull, and also
had upset stomach.
cudn't really have lunch (took more than 5 minutes to eat one rice ball!)
and had to go for the job.
but i think i worked well.
I was a bit worried if i made some mistake doing a cashier
cos my mind wasn't much focused
however not a yen.
and luckily usually-in-some-bad-mood leader seemed cheerfully today.
that makes a lot of difference, you know.
Thank god.

so my dad's back.
but he's hell exhausted.
As I was bit worrying, he was busy all the time out there, I believe only free time he could have was about 15 minutes.
poor him.
But the event was successful he told me, and he's happy about it.

well not as much, but I feel tired as well,
so let me go sleep now.
thought I'd write about the good prospect i have for the rest of the year,
but I guess I can do that after submitting the application and stuff.

Good night to some, have a nice day to others.


  • Heh, you and your crazy time-zone!

    I hope you feel better tomorrow, and yes colleagues moods do play in a big part in how my day goes by. If they're real moody it makes me moody and vice-versa. Everyone should be happy, someday, maybe.

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 7:26 PM  

  • thanks im fine today.

    but crazy time zone?

    probably you're talking about having lunch after waking up???

    well yesterday, i got up around 8, had breakfast, tried to work but eventually fell asleep while 9-10, had lunch (not at all anyway) and left home for the job at 10:30.

    anything strange?

    (hoping at least that part of my life is not too crazy...)

    By Blogger writer, at 12:06 AM  

  • No, but when I wake up around 7 what time is it there? About...3? That's a crazy time zone!

    Yes, having lunch at that time is also strange, but in the best possible way!

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 4:15 AM  

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