Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Friday, August 26, 2005

jush chillin'

yesterday around 5, finally got rid of application stuff.

since then, i've been kind of chillin'.

bah, i don't like that "chillin" word much,
but thats what im doing i suppose.

anyway still feel bit dull, so will write more tommorow morning.


  • heh. well, if u don't wanna say "chillin," then i guess we gotta teach u more words.

    "chillin" could also be:

    maxin' n' relaxin'
    hanging out
    hanging loose
    taking it easy
    lounging about
    idling quietly
    being hum-ho
    simmering down

    that's all i got

    By Blogger Shanoko, at 9:50 PM  

  • *yawns*

    By Blogger writer, at 12:04 AM  

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