Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Monday, August 29, 2005

noon now in 24hours

yay! got i tunes music store card from amazon today!
2500 yen prepaid card.

one song costs around 150 yen, damn, pretty expensive.

songs i have bought so far;
?????? by Ian Brown (cool song, forgot the title, will update tomorrow)
he got game by Public Enemy
lose yourself by Eminem
feel good inc by gorillaz

hey, new song by franz ferdinand is awesome by the way.


  • Cool songs. My mom gave me one of those prepaid cards but I'm only using it for really rare stuff.

    By Blogger Shanoko, at 6:02 PM  

  • What's the name of the New Franz Ferdinand song? I've heard lots of good things about it.

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 7:19 PM  

  • the problem is, I don't wanna buy a song from an album id buy in the future...and when i think abt buying the whole album, i think like "nah, id rather have the cd"... mm...

    anyway itms japan doesn't have too many songs... boo

    new franz song is called "do you want to" i think.
    seems like their upcoming is going to be better than their debut.

    By Blogger writer, at 11:48 PM  

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