Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Thursday, July 28, 2005

cow's day, today is

but tradition is, we eat eels.
Actually we had some day before yesterday.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

After the Typhoon : Sunset

It was so fucking beautiful.

Dreamy Rainy Morning

It was extremely hot and windy today. Just what happens after typhoon leaves.

Yesterday was raining pretty strong whole day.

I had a dream yesterday morning just before I got up.
I was back in Rishi Valley. At first, I was jamming with some drummer out there. Don’t know if it was someone I knew. I was playing the electric guitar, and was playing simple stuff first, but then I slowly I realized I can play much better than I thought I can. So then I went on playing all these guitar solos and stuff, but nothing like those progressive rock, I remained playing garage rockish solos…
Then I met some of my teachers, and students. And yea, my sister, too. It seemed like a future, cos everyone looked older than real.
Now, suddenly, everything got kind of Harry Potterish, and for some reason, we were all running outside. I don’t know what was happening. I saw Harry, but he looked so childish, looked like a 2nd grader, and his hair was red. Agh. Soon, everybody got calm and stopped jumping around.
While walking back to the school building, I saw Emma Watson. She was with some girl I know in RV. She looked at me, smiled and called me Puwa. Weird. Anyway gladly it wasn’t in nasty manner, seemed like she was only joking.
Then I was back in the classroom again, with two teachers. We chatted, and after a while, I told them I need to get the films of my camera developed. Strange. There is no place where you can develop films in RV. I opened my rucksack and took out my camera. It was wet. Water bottle in the bag was leaking. I was like, oh fuck, hope the films are fine… then I heard someone calling me.

Back to the real world. That was my mom. Windows by my bed was open, and rain was coming through. I wasn’t getting wet, but some of my stuff by the bed were. Clock, mirror, cosmetics and framed pictures of Rishi Valley…


Where's typhoon?

Monday, July 25, 2005

He got game

ooh, its 13:30...
a film "he got game" was on tv, so was watching it.
I thought it's pretty good, but don't know if it's ah, realistic one.
I mean those solicitations of universities...

Saturday, July 23, 2005

today's post doesn't worth a title

i just dont feel like writing today...

Beyond Identity

So, I am here, sleepy.
I have been working on a totally new layout of ViasporA website.
Recently bought a book on Web Design and learning a bit of it.
Just a little bit, I must say, or I will never reach your expectations
(what do you expect on that website anyway?).

I'm trying to make the points of the website clearer, and also having some new (awesome) ideas (don't know if they're really going to work out) calmly boiling in my mind.

Anyway, if you have any suggestions, ideas or opinions I'll be glad to hear.

Note: ViasporA T shirt pictures waiting list
1 from Japan
1 from India
1 from England
1 from Greece
1 from Canada
2 from USA
2 from Jamaica

Thursday, July 21, 2005

George Lucas in Love

I know it's quite an old one, but recently 've seen this star wars short fan film "George Lucas in Love". It's about 8 minutes long, and I was pretty impressed that it's not only a funny parody, but as a film it had something. You know, the film vividly captured Lucas (not the real one of course) dreaming about some different world and all. Fantastic, I loved it.

Anyway today, I had to go to my old high school to get some certificates that I need for application of university admission. Fortunately, seemed like summer vacation has just begun yesterday, so I didn't have to see any students I know... I met my old teacher (he's young actually) and had some chat for a while, he was nice, as usual.

Well the most importantly, going there reminded me that I need to work harder...

thumb size vader! Posted by Picasa

thumb size Obi-Wan! Posted by Picasa

Split Screen Sadness

I always wanted to post the lyrics of this song.
This is my real favorite,
when I feel lonely I just listen to the song again and again,
never really get bore of it for some reason.

The song is kind of a bit restrained,
I don't know if it's very popular,
but just kills me.

Not that I have a lover who's left me though.

Split Screen Sadness - John Mayer

"And I don’t know when you went when you left me but
Says here in the water you must be gone by now
I can tell somehow
One hand on the trigger of a telephone
Wondering when the call comes
Where you say it’s all right
You got your heart right

Maybe I’ll sleep in side my cote and
Wait on the porch ‘till you come back home
Oh, right
I can’t find a flight

We share the sadness
Split screen sadness

Two wrongs make it all alright tonight

All you need is love is a lie cause
We had love but still say goodbye
Now we’re tired, battered fighters

And it stings when it’s nobody’s fault
Cause there’s nothing to blame at the drop of your name
It’s only the air you took, and the breath you left

Maybe I’ll sleep inside my coat and
Wait on the porch ‘till you come back home
Oh, right
I can’t find a flight
So I’ll check the weather wherever you are
Cause I wanna know if you can see the stars tonight
It might be my only right

We share the sadness
Split Screen Sadness

I called
I just
Need to feel you on the line
Don’t hang up this time
And I know it was me who called it over but
I still wish you’d fought me ‘till your dying day
Don’t let me get away

Cause I can’t wait to figure out what’s wrong with me
So I can say this is the way that I used to be
There’s no substitute for time
Or for the sadness
Split Screen Sadness
We share the sadness"

city i live Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

What's the Story (Morning Glory)?

So, I had damn hard time trying to sleeping last night. I couldn’t sleep till around three after all, you know.

Now, the book, half blood prince, was well, I would say okay. Last bit was great, however, I felt like the author is trying to give out too much information at once, so there is no much exciting incidents till the end, and f course, the very last thing to happen in the book was pretty sad so oh no.

But okay, I must admit I loved the love story part for some reason. Probably it’s because that is what lacking in my life, yea.

Anyway the book, interestingly made me realize of something very important. Inspired I would say. Story, that is, indeed. Not by the story itself, but by the concept of “story”. When I finished the book, I came to know story… that was something lacking in my life. I forgot the viewpoint to see the life as some kind of story.

Story is great. I don’t really read much of story books as a matter of fact ( I mostly read those non fiction books), however, I enjoy those very much when I read. You know, I just get into the world of the story, and feel like I’m a part of it somehow. Not only books but movies and all as well.

Story is a story, and there is no meaning in it. It’s only that people somehow try to find and put some meaning on them. Just like we do on our lives.
Trying to achieve your dream is a story.
Or finding true love is a story.
Meeting new people is a story.
Looking at sky is a story.
History is a story.
Sitting in a room quietly is probably a story as well.
Life is a story.

Of course I’m aware that real life is nothing like a stroy, there are too much boring moments, embarrassments, and things never seem to carry out in the way we wish, so the life is much more complex, and really chaotic. And that’s probably why many people just don’t give a fuck about story, and get on with life without some kind of romantic ideas. Be realistic my friend, sort of.

I know the reality is so harsh. Too fucked up to take it as a story. Dreams can rather destroy you.

I listened to the song “back in the USSR” after I made the post last night. There was nothing related in the world of Harry Potter and the Beatles but this weird feeling gave me a lot of excitement. I could see an almost-full moon from the window of my room by the way. Anyway, between reality and dreams (lets say USSR is a reality and Harry is a dream) I found some kind of midway. Agh, I can’t explain well.

I went for a walk today. Windy it was, and ipod in my pocket, for the first time appreciating this shuffle function. Never liked it much for some reason, found it too distracting when totally different kind of song comes next. Well I don’t think this really relates to what I’m talking about, but well it’s just a note, and maybe I would say listening to shuffled song is like a getting into a story… eh? What am I saying?

So I guess you probably didn’t get what I meant in this post at all, and nevermind, sorry about such a weird post and my horrible explanation.

But my friend, life is a story, a journey, and mine, is to marry a beautiful woman someday…
No, oh well, c’mon, let me dream at least!

dream as if you live forever, live as if you die today” - James Dean

One thing is stuck in my head. For some reason, when I was listening to downward spiral by NIN, the image of Professor Snape appeared in my mind and was singing those songs... whyyy?

Monday, July 18, 2005

the man on the mission now, has gorwn

well finished it just now.
great escapist...
and a lot inspiring (don't ask me in what way)
finally can sleep before three in the night

will write more on it tomorrow

Sunday, July 17, 2005

I wouldn't mind marrying Emma Watson, you know

well the book...
a lil more to go...
can't sleep!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

half blood prince

got the new book of harry potter this afternoon.
've read few chapters.
want to finish it fast but i need to finsih essay/report im working on too so
oh damn

anyway about the half blood prince, isn't that abou me?
Japanese/Nepalese blood, and my name is originally from name "yuvaraj" which means young prince...

well, nevermind.

Friday, July 15, 2005

japanese harry potter cover art works

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Looking so good like Hari Putter! (Lajjo in Kal ho Naa ho)

Wondering which one to buy UK edition or adult edition...

today I got;
XTRMNTR by primal scream
Echoes by the rapture
Agatis Byrjun by Sigur Ros

all amazingly awesome.
beyond my expectation blewing my mind.
finally some good music

Thursday, July 07, 2005

So don't blame me!

Wow, time is passing so fast
seems like I'll be 19 in next moment.

And who said one post a day?...
seems like I need to make up for it (8 more posts? oh no)

anyway anyway the post's just to let you know I'm still breathng

(MOST probably) more to come tomorrow