Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Lady (Hear Me Tonight)

So, a year has passed since i started being a blogger.
But I know that doesn't mean I've written all 365 posts or
you've been knowing me for a year.

Shannon is leaving America on 6th this month.
That indicates she won't be reading it much anymore.
Of course, good thing that now I'm gonna see her for real.
Ragnarok has already left his blog.

What have I been writing to the blog?
What have I been seeking here, being a blogger?
Written my little thoughts, ideas, experiences, inner conflicts...
Sought for new different people id never know...

now i don't surf blogs anymore like I used to before
and i don't think I've got many thing i want to express
i still got hell lot more stuff to say
but not that I really want to, need to

right now this blog is just functioning as "hey I'm still alive if you want to know the truth" sort of thing. but who cares?

i write to express my existence which doesn't really bother anyone.

till the day
wonder walker wanderlust


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