Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Dreamy Rainy Morning

It was extremely hot and windy today. Just what happens after typhoon leaves.

Yesterday was raining pretty strong whole day.

I had a dream yesterday morning just before I got up.
I was back in Rishi Valley. At first, I was jamming with some drummer out there. Don’t know if it was someone I knew. I was playing the electric guitar, and was playing simple stuff first, but then I slowly I realized I can play much better than I thought I can. So then I went on playing all these guitar solos and stuff, but nothing like those progressive rock, I remained playing garage rockish solos…
Then I met some of my teachers, and students. And yea, my sister, too. It seemed like a future, cos everyone looked older than real.
Now, suddenly, everything got kind of Harry Potterish, and for some reason, we were all running outside. I don’t know what was happening. I saw Harry, but he looked so childish, looked like a 2nd grader, and his hair was red. Agh. Soon, everybody got calm and stopped jumping around.
While walking back to the school building, I saw Emma Watson. She was with some girl I know in RV. She looked at me, smiled and called me Puwa. Weird. Anyway gladly it wasn’t in nasty manner, seemed like she was only joking.
Then I was back in the classroom again, with two teachers. We chatted, and after a while, I told them I need to get the films of my camera developed. Strange. There is no place where you can develop films in RV. I opened my rucksack and took out my camera. It was wet. Water bottle in the bag was leaking. I was like, oh fuck, hope the films are fine… then I heard someone calling me.

Back to the real world. That was my mom. Windows by my bed was open, and rain was coming through. I wasn’t getting wet, but some of my stuff by the bed were. Clock, mirror, cosmetics and framed pictures of Rishi Valley…


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