Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

What's the Story (Morning Glory)?

So, I had damn hard time trying to sleeping last night. I couldn’t sleep till around three after all, you know.

Now, the book, half blood prince, was well, I would say okay. Last bit was great, however, I felt like the author is trying to give out too much information at once, so there is no much exciting incidents till the end, and f course, the very last thing to happen in the book was pretty sad so oh no.

But okay, I must admit I loved the love story part for some reason. Probably it’s because that is what lacking in my life, yea.

Anyway the book, interestingly made me realize of something very important. Inspired I would say. Story, that is, indeed. Not by the story itself, but by the concept of “story”. When I finished the book, I came to know story… that was something lacking in my life. I forgot the viewpoint to see the life as some kind of story.

Story is great. I don’t really read much of story books as a matter of fact ( I mostly read those non fiction books), however, I enjoy those very much when I read. You know, I just get into the world of the story, and feel like I’m a part of it somehow. Not only books but movies and all as well.

Story is a story, and there is no meaning in it. It’s only that people somehow try to find and put some meaning on them. Just like we do on our lives.
Trying to achieve your dream is a story.
Or finding true love is a story.
Meeting new people is a story.
Looking at sky is a story.
History is a story.
Sitting in a room quietly is probably a story as well.
Life is a story.

Of course I’m aware that real life is nothing like a stroy, there are too much boring moments, embarrassments, and things never seem to carry out in the way we wish, so the life is much more complex, and really chaotic. And that’s probably why many people just don’t give a fuck about story, and get on with life without some kind of romantic ideas. Be realistic my friend, sort of.

I know the reality is so harsh. Too fucked up to take it as a story. Dreams can rather destroy you.

I listened to the song “back in the USSR” after I made the post last night. There was nothing related in the world of Harry Potter and the Beatles but this weird feeling gave me a lot of excitement. I could see an almost-full moon from the window of my room by the way. Anyway, between reality and dreams (lets say USSR is a reality and Harry is a dream) I found some kind of midway. Agh, I can’t explain well.

I went for a walk today. Windy it was, and ipod in my pocket, for the first time appreciating this shuffle function. Never liked it much for some reason, found it too distracting when totally different kind of song comes next. Well I don’t think this really relates to what I’m talking about, but well it’s just a note, and maybe I would say listening to shuffled song is like a getting into a story… eh? What am I saying?

So I guess you probably didn’t get what I meant in this post at all, and nevermind, sorry about such a weird post and my horrible explanation.

But my friend, life is a story, a journey, and mine, is to marry a beautiful woman someday…
No, oh well, c’mon, let me dream at least!

dream as if you live forever, live as if you die today” - James Dean

One thing is stuck in my head. For some reason, when I was listening to downward spiral by NIN, the image of Professor Snape appeared in my mind and was singing those songs... whyyy?


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