Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Saturday, July 16, 2005

half blood prince

got the new book of harry potter this afternoon.
've read few chapters.
want to finish it fast but i need to finsih essay/report im working on too so
oh damn

anyway about the half blood prince, isn't that abou me?
Japanese/Nepalese blood, and my name is originally from name "yuvaraj" which means young prince...

well, nevermind.



    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:01 AM  

  • I think I must be the only person who just doesn't get 'it'.

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 4:38 PM  

  • maybe you're too old (?)

    By Blogger Shanoko, at 4:52 PM  

  • well, I knew ur not really a fan of Hari Putter (means god's son in Hindi)! Im not a big fan, however I enjoy it.

    I prefer star wars, oh yea.

    By Blogger writer, at 10:44 PM  

  • Too old?! I'm hurt! No, look there's a 29 year old I know who loves it, my girlfriend loves it, even my dog loves it (may not be true). I'm feeling kind of left out but more that I want to tell everyone that it's a children's book! Wake up!

    *rant over*

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 5:53 PM  

  • Oh and you know who dies don't you? and who the half-blood prince is, right? I know and the names mean nothing to me!

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 6:30 PM  

  • well, three comments at once seems like you're excited as well to me!

    By Blogger writer, at 11:49 PM  

  • Not really, I just put a note in the front of my sister's copy that told her the end. I'm nice like that! I've never read one of the books or even seen the films!

    Am I protesting too much?!

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 3:05 AM  

  • well sounds like you "enjoyed" doing that!

    well the films... aren't too great gotta admit.

    By Blogger writer, at 11:38 PM  

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