Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Thursday, July 28, 2005

cow's day, today is

but tradition is, we eat eels.
Actually we had some day before yesterday.


  • Ewww....eels. Now beef....mmm.....beef...

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 7:22 PM  

  • Boo
    We (my family) don't eat beef, you know.

    By Blogger writer, at 10:51 PM  

  • Aww, my family don't eat eels! Is the not eating beef part of your religious upbringing, or is it just personal preference? If you don't mind me asking..

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 8:55 PM  

  • yea, my mom's hindu so that's why...
    without bones, eels are pretty good by the way

    By Blogger writer, at 11:36 PM  

  • Ahh, ok. Eels are just...I don't know. I have a phobia of eels, I was once bitten by one. You'd think I would jump at the chance of revenge!

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 11:40 PM  

  • !what is that picture!?

    bitten by eels...

    yea, there you go, revenge!

    By Blogger writer, at 9:58 PM  

  • Haha, the picture is Superted! Possibly the greatest cartoon ever made!

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 9:57 PM  

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