Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Why won't you come over here?

Hi, ladies and gentlemen who've been visiting here even after my disappearance. I'm doing fine, thank you.
Tonight I'm here to share this excitement of hearing the new song by the only band that really makes my days. "Juice box" by the Strokes.
First, check the news here.
I'm not really into illegal music downloding since I believe I'm fine with paying artists, but well, how could I just miss it? I'll buy the album definitely anyway.

Probably the song is going to receive aweful comments, because they have changed in some way, but I think it's great. Intro sounds like "Hot ride" by the Prodigy (it's a juliet lewis singing song in their latest record). Juice Box is pretty much experimental song I suppose. I've read some opinions saying it's sort of over produced. Maybe, and the song seems to be more complicated than before. Vocal melody/rythm is bit weird. But it has sweet part too. And more than anything, the voice, man, the voice. Julian's vocal sublimate the song to something.

Why won't you come over here?


  • Wow Yuwa, a post! I haven't heard that song yet but I'm glad to hear the Strokes are still alive. I was going to see them during their Is This It? tour but the tickets sold out MINUTES after they started selling them in Minneapolis... Maybe they'll come to Japan! haha Have they ever? I wanna see a concert here, dun care what...

    By Blogger Shanoko, at 1:12 PM  

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