Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Friday, January 28, 2005

Just click here

Here's the song.
Do you know what the worst thing is?
The sound quality just keeps going down by the process to put it on the web.
Oh well, that's just an excuse anyway...

Well, I don't like the song much, because it's using same old guitar codes that I use all the time. But for some reason, recording went pretty quick and good.
Lyrics is simple but I guess it isnt so bad.

Falling (working title) Demo

"Falling leaves are from the trees
I don't want to know why they change how they look

You walk on, look around and will know,
no one seems to care if you're there or not

When will I reach the star I'm looking for?
When will I get the answer I'm waiting for?

If I could
Throw away
Everything I have
Everything I want
Maybe I have seen
The end of the world
Maybe I have seen
Baybe I have seen... "

...Just to remind you... it's a demo for a demo...


  • koooool :D i like the lyrics, you always write good lyrics! make sure u put the finished version up too!

    By Blogger Hanako, at 4:43 AM  

  • I like the lyrics. Simple, but kind of open ended to draw your own conclusion with.

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 4:57 AM  

  • Thanks for the comments.
    You know it makes me pretty sad if I put up a song and no one say a thing about it.

    By Blogger writer, at 8:22 PM  

  • I only just listened to it...it's ok musically simple which I live, although I think it's missing a good bass line and more comprehensive percussion. That's my honest opinion and I think the vocals could probably go up and octave.

    That sounds awfully critical, it isn't meant to be.

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 9:50 PM  

  • You know what
    Not many people give me such creative advices...
    They just say it's good or bad
    which doesn't help me much
    cos I sometimes need objective opinions so

    appriciate it!

    By Blogger writer, at 11:47 PM  

  • I do some sound engineering in my spare time, I'm used to listening to some real bad stuff but yours wasn't it could be better though.

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 6:53 AM  

  • You do sound engineering?
    That is so cool!

    By Blogger writer, at 8:38 AM  

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