Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Where the path leads, kid

Number of the post I didn't write since 7th.
Well, you know, I decided to write one post a day since the day my sister left Japan,
but after you all know I get lazy.
I didn't write on 11th, 24th, 25th, 26th.

17 plus 1.
That's how old I am now.
Yes it's my birthday today.

There was nothing special like party and stuff,
but it has been a nice day, in many ways.
But oh well, I'll write about that later.

Now I'm gonna write a breif story of my 17th year.
Probably it's going to be too long, and too personal, I might would write some stuff I ususally don't, so unlesss you're too bored, or too interested in me, please just skip those posts.
Anyway I'll write more on this post later.
Let me begin my story.


  • Well done! I found turning 18 a bit of an anti-climax. What new things can you (legally) do now?

    By Blogger Anthropax, at 11:55 PM  


    I never do stuff for my birthday, I don't like attention so I do even less than usual!

    Is 18 a 'big deal' in Japan? You've done so much already in your first 18 years, wow! My next one will be 21....I'll feel old!

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 12:09 AM  

  • Thanks a lot for the comments and
    so sorry for such a late reply.

    Well, I've been a busy man you know, now I'm 18 years old and all...

    Well actually it's not that great, I just wanted to be 17 forever!

    Not really a big deal 18 is, here in Japan, 20 is supposed to be some real big deal, we have formal ceremony and stuff, but I've decided long time ago that I'm not gonna attend that event.

    Anyway so, I still cannot legally drink or smoke. But now I can get drivers license,legally allowed to watch those r films and stuff you know what I mean, and I can hopefully get marry...

    oh yea...

    By Blogger writer, at 10:04 PM  

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