Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Saturday, June 18, 2005

I'm in pretty much of a frustrated mood right now, if you want to know the truth

God damn it.
I don't know why.
I'm tired.
And I have this fucking part time job tomorrow.
I feel like shit...

Anyway I'm not in I-hate-myself sort of mood you know,
just tired and just frustrated.
It happens.

By the way by the way.
It has been long since I stopped leaving comments on others' blogs.
There are basically 2 reasons why I've stopped. (if you include abt my laziness there'll be 3)
One, I feel like leaving comments on others blogs is kind of you know, advertising own website/blog, no matter if you're doing it on purpode or not. And the fact that leaving comments on others' blogs will be a way of promoting own blog makes me feel uneasy. In fact once or twice I've tried it but I didn't like the feeling very much (plus my intention didn't really work actually).
Second, when I read someone's blog, unless its a new blog or something, I feel uneasy to leave a comment because I'm afraid that I might fuck up whole context of his/her blog. Since my English is not too great when I don't concentrate (it's still not too great when I concentrate actually), I might misunderstand what the post is actually about or I might write something I don't really mean.

You know, when I leave a comment, even on my blog, I think for abt 5 minutes before I click on publish thing.

Anyway thanks to Ragnarok and Shannon who have been leaving comments on my blog sometimes even though I hardly (almost never must I admit) leave comments on their blogs. I'm reading though!

Anyway the rason why I wrote a post on such a boring topic... I'm thinking that maybe I should start leaving comments on others blogs to promote my blog, and website, oooh what a nasty thought... I don't think I will, even if I do, please read this post and forgive me... anyway i will never leave comments on blogs which I don't think are interesting so...

oh fuck it.
I'm so frustrated.


  • Hey man, it'll be okay! I don't mind if you leave a comment on my blog to promote yours, but I don't think you can do it unless you have a xanga so.. yea.

    Anyways, talk to me when you get a chance and maybe I can help you work out this frustration of yours! oh and sorry for still not sending you my viaspora t-shirt pic, I'm planning on getting my sister to help me with that tomorrow, it's the first day I haven't been busy when the sun is still up!

    take it easy yaar

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:33 AM  

  • Hey, I know you're reading. I keep tabs on everyone ;) - heh, I briefly considered posting as anonymous just so as not to promotoe myself, but I'm a willing whore!

    And you're english is fine! It's a whole lot better than some english people I know!

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 6:19 PM  

  • *notices my own English error* That should of course be; Your English is fine...

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 6:24 PM  

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