Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Pirates of Katmandu

Day before yesterday, my mom came back home from Nepal. She had been there for two weeks. My family used to visit there once a year every year, to meet my grand parents, uncles, aunts and cousin. Anyway we haven’t been able to visit there together for past 2 or 3 years, because of our individual schedule and ongoing Maoist issue in Nepal. So she had visited there only by herself.
She told me she had a pretty good time with her family and old friends and all – except that there was some bomb attack by Maoist in neighborhood of her parent’s house in Butwal.
Anyway, she brought us a lot of souvenirs… pirate DVDs of Hindi films. She told us that she couldn’t find any original in Katmandu. So the night of the day she came back home, we tried to watch one of them – “Bride and Prejudice”. Actually it isn’t a Hindi film, because it’s starring Hollywood hero (well, I don’t think he’s too famous though, I believe he is in Hollywood remake of “the ring”) and it’s in English (in fact there are both, Hindi and English). The movie is directed by the one who made “Bend it like Beckham”. And you know、 heroin is Aishwarya Rai! Yeah! But you could say it’s a miscast in a way… she looks too gorgeous for the role.
Well, well. Anyway the movie started… and we thought it was kind of funny… but soon, something happened and the DVD got stuck. So I took the DVD out and checked the surface of what do you call, “reading side”. Oh my god. It was damaged so badly and all. It was just horrible. We tried to watch it but it didn’t work. So we gave up and tried another DVD. Actually I checked the surface of another one, too. Oh my god. That was horrible as well. So we checked all of the DVDs she got… there were about 20… all pirates for fucking sake. And almost all of them have some scratches and all on the surface of “reading side”. God damn it.
Anyway we tried, and found out that we can still watch some of them… then I found out that we can watch the “Bride and Prejudice” on my laptop (well, actually it isn’t mine but never mind). So we tried to watch the rest of the movie on small laptop screen… and yeah we all four somehow managed… and it seemed like it’s all fine now… but it got stuck again after about 15 minutes… Hopeless.
Then my father tried on his Desktop (well, it’s family’s but never mind) and figured that it works fine on that. And you know, I guess you can imagine what happened after that. We all sat in front of the computer and watched it and soon it got stuck.
What a horrible night. We finally gave up and went to bed after that. And I had sort of a nightmare… a dream that I kept looking for a movie which starring Steve Buscemi as a main hero and not being able to find it… wow, that was even worse.

So anyway. Today my father bought a CD cleaner thing and I cleaned the surface of it. I mean the “reading side” (somebody please tell me what you call it). And we again tried it on DVD player.

Yes! It did work!

But only for 15minutes. Man, I thought the miracle happened. So we again gave up…

! My dad just came to my room and told me that he succeeded to play the DVD on his computer!
…Now well, let’s see of it works… tomorrow. Not tonight.


  • did it work? did it work?!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:38 AM  

  • Ahh, British Asian films, they give me a great sence of wellbeing. Have you seem 'East is East' it's a bit grittier, but maybe funnier that 'Bend it like Beckham'

    By Blogger Anthropax, at 7:48 AM  

  • Well, to tell the truth, none of us wants to see the film anymore... so we haven't tried and I don't know.

    Thanks for the info. My dad told me that he has seen that movie, and he thought it's pretty funny too. I'll try to check it out but I don't think I can get the movie out here...

    By Blogger writer, at 10:40 PM  

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