Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Oh no!

oops haven't been updating...


check that out.
Finally some good music.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Well I wonder...

I’ve been listening to “Meat is Murder” by the Smiths these days. Igot the album since some time back, but I didn’t listen to it much because I didn’t think it’s that good. I liked the first song “The Headmaster Ritual” (please excuse me from gym, I’ve got this terrible cold coming on…) pretty much but the whole thing didn’t really blow me. But recently I found a track “Well I Wonder” and it just killed me. Since then I’ve been listening to the album a lot. What a band.

Well I wonder – The Smiths

“Well I wonder
Do you hear me when you sleep
I hoarsely cry

Well I wonder
Do you see me when we pass?
I half die

Please keep me in mind
Please keep me in mind

Gasping – dying – but somehow still alive
This is the fierce last stand of all I am

Gasping – dying – but somehow still alive
This is the fierce last stand of all I am

Please keep me in mind”

You're my guiding light

Ah. Today was a pretty warm day. In fact it was almost hot.

Today I had to go to my old high school – yeah the one I left a year ago – because my old class teacher called me and asked me if I could encourage my old friends for their final year. In Japan, school year and all starts from April, and today was the opening day of the school. My old friends who I don’t actually remember very well – don’t blame me, I only studied there for one and half month and then I went to India – are going to have entrance examinations for university by the end of the year, and so am I of course, so my old class teacher just wanted to showed them that I’m studying alone and tell them I’ve been trying very hard and all…
It wasn’t that cool anyway. I was little nervous and blushing, made a damn short speech for like five minutes and that’s it. My teacher was happy but I didn’t feel like I was welcomed by my old classmates. I mean they weren’t mean or anything, but they were kind of you know, “who the fuck cares?” I don’t blame that attitude though. They are busy with their business. But there was one guy who almost disgusted me. He came to me and said, “if I knew you were coming, I wouldn’t had come”. So I just said that “what the hell, I spent goddamn 30 minutes on the train and paid 500 yen for the ticket and came here. how could you say that?” then he was like, “you must be thankful that I came”. What an asshole. I wish if I was a guy who knows how to react coolly in such situation,, but I’m just not that cool…Anyway, he was a typical “I’m so cool and all and all” guy and maybe he thought it’s a funny joke, so I just ignored him then.

After that, I had lunch with my teacher at cafeteria of the school, and then went back home. At three, I went to the station again… to meet a girl.

Well I guess I need to explain a little about her. She is a girl I fell in love about two years ago. I’m not going to details of the story out here, but ah harsh reality, she didn’t feel the same way. Then I always tried to avoid her but about a month ago, we kind of became friends again. You know, we kind of talked in emails and all. Anyway then about three weeks ago, I asked her if she would go for a walk or something and talk with me for a while during spring vacation. You know, everything was so fucking terrible and I was having a hard time… I wasn’t being able to figure out reality in my life… so I wanted someone to talk to. She said okay, but she didn’t tell me when. And you know, the vacation got over yesterday and school started today so I thought maybe she didn’t want to talk with me or was too busy to see me. Then I met her in the school today. She told me that she could meet around three today. Since I started a part time job now, I wasn’t desperate to talk with someone anymore, but anyway I thought it would be nice to talk with her, after a long time. So we met at the station and went to some park and talked for about one and half hour… I was afraid that my talk would bore her because I get too serious. I just talked about what it’s like to be at home all the time and stuff. Kind of surprisingly, she seemed to enjoy talking with me. She told me that it would be too heavy if she had to talk about what I talk everyday though. And that’s true. It’s no fun.

Around five, I went back home. I was kind of feeling good, but at the same time sad for some reason. Sometimes when I get back home from somewhere else, I just don’t feel like talking with my family and all. I don’t know why. I know it bores my family but I can’t help it.
I felt as if it’s summer today. Summer loneliness you know. Summer is supposed to be a big fun season here – vacation, swimming, party, festivals, fire works and all. But in summer night sometimes, when it’s so hot that you can’t sleep, and you feel kind of lonely because it seems like everyone else except you is having fun. For some reason I felt that today. Nevermind.

(I wrote this on 7th April)

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Pirates of Katmandu

Day before yesterday, my mom came back home from Nepal. She had been there for two weeks. My family used to visit there once a year every year, to meet my grand parents, uncles, aunts and cousin. Anyway we haven’t been able to visit there together for past 2 or 3 years, because of our individual schedule and ongoing Maoist issue in Nepal. So she had visited there only by herself.
She told me she had a pretty good time with her family and old friends and all – except that there was some bomb attack by Maoist in neighborhood of her parent’s house in Butwal.
Anyway, she brought us a lot of souvenirs… pirate DVDs of Hindi films. She told us that she couldn’t find any original in Katmandu. So the night of the day she came back home, we tried to watch one of them – “Bride and Prejudice”. Actually it isn’t a Hindi film, because it’s starring Hollywood hero (well, I don’t think he’s too famous though, I believe he is in Hollywood remake of “the ring”) and it’s in English (in fact there are both, Hindi and English). The movie is directed by the one who made “Bend it like Beckham”. And you know、 heroin is Aishwarya Rai! Yeah! But you could say it’s a miscast in a way… she looks too gorgeous for the role.
Well, well. Anyway the movie started… and we thought it was kind of funny… but soon, something happened and the DVD got stuck. So I took the DVD out and checked the surface of what do you call, “reading side”. Oh my god. It was damaged so badly and all. It was just horrible. We tried to watch it but it didn’t work. So we gave up and tried another DVD. Actually I checked the surface of another one, too. Oh my god. That was horrible as well. So we checked all of the DVDs she got… there were about 20… all pirates for fucking sake. And almost all of them have some scratches and all on the surface of “reading side”. God damn it.
Anyway we tried, and found out that we can still watch some of them… then I found out that we can watch the “Bride and Prejudice” on my laptop (well, actually it isn’t mine but never mind). So we tried to watch the rest of the movie on small laptop screen… and yeah we all four somehow managed… and it seemed like it’s all fine now… but it got stuck again after about 15 minutes… Hopeless.
Then my father tried on his Desktop (well, it’s family’s but never mind) and figured that it works fine on that. And you know, I guess you can imagine what happened after that. We all sat in front of the computer and watched it and soon it got stuck.
What a horrible night. We finally gave up and went to bed after that. And I had sort of a nightmare… a dream that I kept looking for a movie which starring Steve Buscemi as a main hero and not being able to find it… wow, that was even worse.

So anyway. Today my father bought a CD cleaner thing and I cleaned the surface of it. I mean the “reading side” (somebody please tell me what you call it). And we again tried it on DVD player.

Yes! It did work!

But only for 15minutes. Man, I thought the miracle happened. So we again gave up…

! My dad just came to my room and told me that he succeeded to play the DVD on his computer!
…Now well, let’s see of it works… tomorrow. Not tonight.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Don't expect smile from me

Let’s see, what shall I write?
There are a lot I want to write, but I don’t have much time – I mean I don’t feel too energetic to write a lot right now.
My past months have been terrible. Being at home all the time was driving me literally insane. I almost lost my mind and thought I don’t exist you don’t exist no one exists this world doesn’t exist and all.
I don’t know if that was a right view – maybe it was, but I thought I would give a try on living this world and life.
So I decided to start a part time job to socialize and to see other people working for living. I’m doing a waiter at a “Ramen” restaurant which is in a shopping mall of my town now. Don’t ask me why I chose this place. Maybe because it was pretty near from my home. I had an interview, and then a contract first. The job started last week and today was my 5th day.
Man, I must confess, I already found out that the job is not for me. You know I think it’s a really good opportunity for me to see other people working and how society and all works but it’s not my kind of job. I don’t mind working, but the thing is, owners tell me to smile there, and I can’t smile. I mean I’m not good at smiling.
For quite a long time I hated smiling. I mean I liked other people smiling but I didn’t like my smile. Because I thought it looks so horrible. But a girl I know, once told me my smile isn’t so bad, so then I stopped minding my smile. So these days I rather liked smiling sometimes.
But no, smiling all the time makes me feel so weird. I don’t know, people say smiling is healthy and all but I think compelled smile is rather unhealthy and looks quite ugly too.

Anyway I know… I can’t quit the job for a while… at least for 6 months. That’s what I said at the interview. My dad told me, if I want to quit, I just have to do some nasty work out there, but I don’t think I could do that. And I want some money to visit India and all too. So well… I guess I just have to make myself believe that I’m an Oscar actor or something… like Robert De Niro. I know, his smile isn’t so sexy, but he does it when he needs to.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Believe me that I only lie to you

Well well, what am I suppose to write on April fool?