Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Monday, August 08, 2005

so, this is supposed to be.. oh its monday already

i tunes music store has finally opend in Japan (4th this month).
wondering if I should try buying some...
but i like the cd formart pretty much as well so I don't know.
interesting how music indusrty has been changing.

anyway today wasn't a bad day
work didn't suck like last time
I mean it wasn't great, but at least it wasn't THAT bad.
I learned I should never expect much out there, u know.

one good news, for me.
Professor Nishihira will be writing my evaluation letter for the university admission application.
I called him this morning, wasn't expecting much, because I thought he's a very prudent person so I was not sure if he'll say yes.
Well anyway his answer was, "I'll be glad to write your evaluation letter".
He made my day.


  • iTunes is really good, even I use it sometimes despite my illegal music downloading tendencies. It's great to get pre-released tracks and stuff. They download real quick.

    You have to take the rough with the smooth I guess, even when there isn't any smooth for a long while.

    Good news on the University application evaluation letter! That's great, good luck with that!

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 7:47 PM  

  • illegal music downloading!
    that's something I wouldnt do.
    and all of my friends in India do.
    let's say I'm kind of paying for them, too. yea

    anyway I'll take ur advice
    I'll try buying some
    first got to get a prepaid card...

    By Blogger writer, at 1:05 AM  

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