Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Friday, August 05, 2005

the fucking job

We got LAN system in my house today.
Now I got internet connection in my room, which is really cool!
So probably gonna be a lot easier for me to post stuff, don't have to wait for my dad to finish his business all night!

And you know, dining room, where the only internet connected computer was, was not a too good place to concentarte on writing.

Agh, maybe not gonna make any big deal.
I don't know.

Anyway well I've been a busy and lazy man as always,
but sadly being more of a busy man these days.
Too much stuff to do for preparation of university admission examinations.

And that's fine, okay I gotta do what I gotta do, but oh boy
the part time job totally sucks.

I've been working only twice a week these days,
but man, last sunday totally sucked.
There is kind of chief, a female, who seems upset all the time, and that's the biggest tention for me in my part time job. She is so rough to co workers.
I mean she is a nice waitress, but bad chief I suppose.
She think all waiters and waitress should devote themselves to customers.
especially last time she was pretty nasty,
she was like
"what the hell do you think you're doing? You lack in emotion (passion? whatever!)"
"do you really care about customers? I do. I remember all of them"
"oh god. you stand there. don't touch anything. I'll handle all. you just stand there and do nothing"

At the same time, they don't let me quit, cos they don't have enough workers.
You call me for a job on goddamn sunday and tell me to stand infront of cutomers like a fool?
What a fuck?
I got a lot more important stuff to do!

well i don't know if you knew, but I hardly, almost never, use the word "bitch".
I find the word too desrespectful to women.
But I'm begining to feel that might be the appropriate word for her.

nah, I know, it is her full time job, the job is her proud, passion of life and all that.
So I just be quiet and say
"agh okay... yea, you're right"

i think im too nice to blame people.
Sereously u know, im not too good at blaming people
maybe better if i could say
"I'm gonna kill that mutherfuckin bitch"
or something like that.
but i cant.

But man last week sucked
I thought I would shout out
in front of all customers...

one day left for day after tomorrow.


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