Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Sunday, August 07, 2005

despair next two festival

I'm pretty upset with microsoft. You know why?
I always dreamed I'm gonna have a band called the vesta someday
(i wouldn't care if no one comes with me I'll do solo project called the vesta maybe).
But anyway now their new product is named "windows vista"
which totally sounds like the vesta.
oh dear.
what am I supposed to do?
I hope not people think the band is an ad thing for the company.
Well, yea, I'm a windows user but...

So, today was a party day.
Every year, around first week of August, we have firework festival in our city.
However, there was no party for me.
I didn't go.
The place is pretty close from my place, just 5 minutes walk, so i cud see it from my house too
if i wanted to but I wasn't bothered much.
Well that's a lie, the sound was pretty disturbing.
And yeah I took video for 2 minutes.
Anyway why I didn't feel like partying.
Reason 1. I had to do a lot of stuff.
Reason 2. whats the point of going there if I probably not gonna see anyone I like out there
my friend wanted me to go with him,
But I just told him no.
He must had been disappointed but I could' help it.
Maybe next year, with a girl maybe, yeah that would be cool.

I was chatting with one of my friend this afternoon.
I dont have messnger in this computer but I remembered that there is a way to chat on the web
(i got an idea from you, shannon)
so it was cool.

Anyway my friend was in terrible situation,
I'm not gonna write any details, but
he was saying he's been suicidical,
and he feels like dying.
I tried to cheer him up in a cool way
but one thought got stuck in my mind.

I myself was not very sure if theres something worth living for in life.
Still searching.


  • "vista" and "vesta" do not sound alike.

    and hey, today is a festival in my town too. i went, but only to take pictures... we're not a very big town so it wasn't that exciting anyways. not unless you like bingo.

    By Blogger Shanoko, at 9:11 AM  

  • okay. but,
    vista and vesta looks the same.
    now what do u say?

    bingo oh ringo.

    By Blogger writer, at 1:43 AM  

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