Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Thursday, May 19, 2005

A lost hope

Oh no.
I'm so jealous that now the last star wars episode, "revenge of the sith"
is out in the US and some other countries too.
Guess when it gets released in Japan.

July 9th.

So unfair.


  • I still check this thing by the way, but I've moved to http://chilledserenity.blogspot.com

    By Blogger Ragnarok, at 12:05 AM  

  • oooooh
    you're back.

    am i back ?

    By Blogger writer, at 9:35 AM  

  • july 9th eh? that's my b-day.

    i saw episode III when it came out here, my bro and i sat in the front row of the biggest theater we could find.

    friggin awesome.

    dude, your blog! kool.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:37 PM  

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