Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Friday, May 27, 2005

Agh, I have a bad feeling about this (Obi-one)

I just logged in to the blogger,
But don't really know what to write.

nothing worth writing in my head right now.
that's what I'm writing.
What's worth writing anyway.

Just fuck it.

(10 minutes has passed)

Thursday, May 26, 2005

What have I done!? (Anakin)

I have fallen to the dark side of the force...

I watched episode 3, yeah, pirated one...

that was midnight, day before yesterday.

First I was like, well lets just see a begining bit...
But how could I stop.
I watched it on a laptop, screen size of the film was smaller than CD Jacket I think.
The film itself was so good, a big redeem for epi 1&2 (I actually don't really mind those),
I in a sense regret that I should have enjoyed the first time in a theater.
I could have cry if it was on a big screen...
But well, since it was midnight, when I was kind of bit sleepy, and the screen was so small,
it was more like a dream, just following the plot of the movie.
so I guess it would be quite a different experince at a theater.
I just have to forget what I've seen.

Well I actually regret...

Thursday, May 19, 2005

A lost hope

Oh no.
I'm so jealous that now the last star wars episode, "revenge of the sith"
is out in the US and some other countries too.
Guess when it gets released in Japan.

July 9th.

So unfair.

Well I wonder again.

Well I wonder if there's anyone still checking out this blog...
The sitemeter I used to put on the blog was not working for some reason,
that's what I realised when I checked it last nite after a long time.
But anyway that doesn't matter much.

The reason I was not writing was nothing like I was going down again and all.
Not even laziness if I may say, it was more like I was just forgeting...

This is a lovely morning.
I will write more tonight.