Wonder Walker Wanderlust

Sunday, November 20, 2005

no body made me feel this way

hello ladies and gentlemen
my current news;
started a part time job at bookstore
leaving for italy tomorrow

taken in rishi valley, india

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

You could have so much better

Update in my life ;
Passed the entrance examination for a university.
And seems like I've even won a scholarship.
I myself can't believe it.

Gonna visit India and Nepal tommorow for 2 weeks.
I'll be seeing my old friends and teachers in Rishi Valley, and of course my sister too.
Bit sad that only a day I got out there and friends got an exam on next day.

Anyway, never bother such great news in hell boring manner,
I'm busy, I haven't finished pasking yet!

I'm gonna see Shannon this afternoon by the way.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Why won't you come over here?

Hi, ladies and gentlemen who've been visiting here even after my disappearance. I'm doing fine, thank you.
Tonight I'm here to share this excitement of hearing the new song by the only band that really makes my days. "Juice box" by the Strokes.
First, check the news here.
I'm not really into illegal music downloding since I believe I'm fine with paying artists, but well, how could I just miss it? I'll buy the album definitely anyway.

Probably the song is going to receive aweful comments, because they have changed in some way, but I think it's great. Intro sounds like "Hot ride" by the Prodigy (it's a juliet lewis singing song in their latest record). Juice Box is pretty much experimental song I suppose. I've read some opinions saying it's sort of over produced. Maybe, and the song seems to be more complicated than before. Vocal melody/rythm is bit weird. But it has sweet part too. And more than anything, the voice, man, the voice. Julian's vocal sublimate the song to something.

Why won't you come over here?

Monday, September 05, 2005

all the things that I can't leave behind

oh well, I guess explaining why I'm leaving this blog will be pretty much boring,
not that I really have any specific reason, and
probably its gonna be just another usual dull murmuring of mine
so will make it short.

I'm not leaving the blog for negative reason, like I once or few times did before.
It's nothing positive either I suppose, however,
I think the time has come to find some other way.

what way?
I don't know.
just a feeling I guess.

it's not the end.
I might come and write any time.

whatever, meanwhile, I'll keep a personal blog.

see you

Friday, September 02, 2005


thinking about having two blogs at the same time
one for a journal,
one for something more elaborated... just for sometimes I mean

so that i wont bother you with anything too boring


Thursday, September 01, 2005

Lady (Hear Me Tonight)

So, a year has passed since i started being a blogger.
But I know that doesn't mean I've written all 365 posts or
you've been knowing me for a year.

Shannon is leaving America on 6th this month.
That indicates she won't be reading it much anymore.
Of course, good thing that now I'm gonna see her for real.
Ragnarok has already left his blog.

What have I been writing to the blog?
What have I been seeking here, being a blogger?
Written my little thoughts, ideas, experiences, inner conflicts...
Sought for new different people id never know...

now i don't surf blogs anymore like I used to before
and i don't think I've got many thing i want to express
i still got hell lot more stuff to say
but not that I really want to, need to

right now this blog is just functioning as "hey I'm still alive if you want to know the truth" sort of thing. but who cares?

i write to express my existence which doesn't really bother anyone.

till the day
wonder walker wanderlust

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

one year of delusion & chaos

What Ever Happened? - the Strokes

"I want to be forgotten,
and I don't want to be reminded.
You say "please don't make this harder."
No, I won't yet.

I wanna be beside her.
She wanna be admired.
You say "please don't make this harder."
No, I won't yet.

Oh dear, is it really all true?
Did they offend us and they want it to sound new?
Top ten ideas for countdown shows...
Whose culture is this and does anybody know?
I wait and tell myself "life ain't chess,"
But no one comes in and yes, you're alone...

You don't miss me, I know.

Oh Tennessee, what did you write?
I come together in the middle of the night.
Oh that's an ending that I can't write, 'cause
I've got you to let me down.

I want to be forgotten,
and I don't want to be reminded.
You say "please don't make this harder."
No, I won't yet.

I want to be beside her.
She wanna be admired.
You say "please don't make this harder."
No, I won't yet..."